Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Final Project Plan

Name of Project Manager: Shaima Kiani

Project Title: Eliminating work detrimental to children

(Simply an action against child labor)

Project Location: Rawalpindi Pakistan

Project duration: 3 to 4 years

Total project Cost in USA $: Around 300 to 400$ per month.

Project Background/ Need Statement/ Problem Analysis:

My project would be carried on, near to the place where I live. My purpose would be to find around 100 students in my society who rather going to school, go to small workshops for work.

By this I would be able to eliminate a large number of child labor in my society.

And also I would be giving a monthly stipend to the children for receiving education for the ongoing of their livelihoods as they were working to earn money to give it their parents.

So this way their parents would not have any objection.

I thought of this project because as I have awareness about the current issues and how fast life is going.

So one has to cope up with this fast world, which would only be possible if people would start realizing the dire need of getting their children admitted to schools.

Baseline Project Information:

Students would go to school rather workshops. They would study instead of labor work and also they would be given the stipend which they use to earn while working.

Project Summary Description:

My aim is to educate those children who work in workshops and small scale factories. Where there is not only a hazard to their health but also wastage of their precious time when they can make up their future to become a better individual.

For this project I would have to go out and look for those children who are indulge in this labour work and they are not going to school. Just to earn some money, to give them to their parents. This project would surly bring a good impact because it would improve the lives of many families and their children through the education provided to them.

This project would be carried on near the area I live so that I can fully monitor what’s going on. Where there is a need of my attention. I would look for the children in the slum area not so far from where I live. And once I would start off with this project they would all be coming to a school which is owned by my mother, in the evening to get free education. This would prove to be a best possible place to teach them.

Project Goal/Aim:

The aim is to remove child labor from my society which would eventually help to eliminate a small amount of poverty with it too.

Project Objectives:

a) Identification of down trodden families whose children are involved in child labour.

b) Identifying possible solutions.

c) Identifying actors already working to solve these issues.

d) A joint work plan and implementation strategy.

e) Evaluation of the intervention and measurement of impact.

Project Beneficiaries:

Our project beneficiaries are the poor and needy people who can’t afford to educate their children and so ask them to work indeed to run the livelihood. Due to which their futures are destroyed and ruined. And eventually they can never earn, how much they require

. Target Community input:

For this project a school building would be used in evening, which is been used in the morning for a regular private school. This way we would not have to hire a complete building for the accomplishment of this project.

Project Outcome:

An Educated Youth.

Better and improved future.

Project sustainability:

One of the reasons I chose this project is that the impact of this project is going to last longer on the lives of many individuals, When their livelihood would at least be better than before.

Communication and Sharing:

At the end of every successful month our project would communicate and share the outcomes, with the donors and the organizations in a form of a report and a meeting per month. In which different people and organizations working with us would have a clear vision about our aims and objectives.

Mobilizing Support;

We would mobilize people by keeping an orientation before we follow up with the project. Through this orientation we would be able to find many donors and the people who would then refer to us the people who are needy but want their children to get education.

Financial Management principles:

The management of finances for the project would be handled by a volunteer finance manager who would give me the written report of all our expenses and the total budget came from the funds we would receive from different donors on monthly basis.

Fund raising:

Our project “Eliminating work detrimental to children” will present the project and the evaluation project to the donors to receive funds. We would also contact some organizations and NGO’s who are working on the same issue to ask them for their contribution to this noble cause.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Module 3

Regarding the success of my project.

My assumptions would be:

The lack of awareness amongst the parents, regarding the need of education for their children.

Why would the parents trust me for educating their child and also to give their children a monthly stipend which they usually use to bring home while working?

The conduct of the students while attending school. As they would be totally out of practice of going to school to study.

The different ages of the students and the grades they have already studied in or didn’t study at all.

My major assumptions are listed above but what I would really like to learn while accomplishing this project is:

How would the volunteer teachers would be able to teach their students effectively and would bring in them the dire need of how much it is important for one self to get education.

I would also like to learn that how to manage students of different age groups and different levels of education they have received.

I would feel lucky enough if the project goes really well and I would be able to teach students for their betterment in their near future. So that at least the area where I live in, I would be able to see less or may be no children working rather going to school.

Evaluation plan for my project:

Project title: Eliminating work detrimental to children (Simply an action against child labour)

Project Manager: Shaima Kiani

Purpose of evaluation:

The purpose of evaluation lies in the fact that it will show me the clear image of how my project would come out. And not only to me but the evaluation project would also help the donors to have a clear idea of how their money is going to be spent.

The donors would also come to know what an impact would be produced by the end of this project, which is based on such a noble cause. The evaluation would also make me realize what is still lacking in my project, what can be done to get the better and improved results.

My evaluation would also clarify the volunteers for what my main vision is in regards to this project, enabling them to work accordingly and efficiently.

Involvement of stakeholders:

Youth Exchange and Study Program Alumni’s: would be involved for helping the teachers, how to accommodate this number of students and how to manage them according to their different age groups and grades.

Different Alumni’s would be assigned different duties to carry for this project.

I would be the Project Manager who would be taking care of whole of the management of the project. And also I would be the one responsible for the supervision for this project.

My Assistant Project Manager would give me weekly a report of how the project is been going on. And I would be the one crosschecking my self every single week to ensure everything is going how it was planed to be.

The final report would be written by me every single month of the project to be delivered to the donors and organisations involved in giving funds.

I would be hiring 5 teachers for a class of 20 students. Who would teach them how to read and write the Basic English and local language in our case which is Urdu enabling them to survive a better life. The higher education would be difficult in this case because all of them would be of different age groups and some of them would be the ones who left school 6 to 7 years back. So this wouldn’t be that possible. So weekly meetings with the teachers, volunteers and me as a Project Manager would be held at school. To help the faculty, if they have any queries regarding the students and the administration.

Organization and donors: would give me feed back per month if the project is going as it was suppose to be and the final report per month would be submitted to them. As without their contribution and involvement the project can not be of any success.

Indicators of achievement:

The indicator of my achievement would be when at the end I would get the complete number of students receiving education.

I would be able to see a change, a difference when I picked them up from a mechanic workshop and send them to a good school. I want them to look educated, better and improved.

It would be great if I see some students going to higher level of education if their ages and knowledge favor them. I would totally be helping them receiving as much education they want to, just as an encouragement.


The main objective would be to receive enough donations for smooth ongoing of the project.

Also to encourage parents so that they easily allow their students to study and create no more hurdles for them and us.

Evidence required

How often/


Obtained from

Students attending school.

5 days a week

YES Alumni Team

Number of students finished their primary education course.

At the end of the project

Volunteer Team

Feedback from parents and the students after receiving this course.

At the end of the Project

Project Manager

(Shaima Kiani)

Feedback from the teachers and volunteer coordinators.

At the end of every month

Assistant Project Manager.

Report from the administration of how the project is going so far.

At the end of every month

Project Manager and the Assistant Project Manager.

Evaluation tools and techniques to be used:

The Alumni volunteer team would be making feedback questionnaires for the students, the teacher and administration which would be filled every month. To ensure nothing goes wrong.

The notebooks of the students would be checked by the volunteers any day of a week, moreover it would be like a surprise check.

The students would also be interviewed randomly.

Baseline Information: is that students would go to school rather workshops. They would study instead of labor work and also they would be given the stipend which they use to earn while working.

Logistical & resource considerations:

Time: Time duration for our project would be 3 years. After the project would be implemented the donors would receive monthly reports. The ongoing project would be crosschecked by the volunteers weekly.

Money: The major amount of money would mainly be used in buying the stationary, uniforms, giving away the stipend and hiring the teachers.

People: The whole volunteer team of YES (Youth Exchange and Study Program) would be involved in the evaluation of the project. Including me as a Project Manager. Also the Teachers, Administration and Donors etc.

Approach to the analysis of information:

The monthly and weekly reports would be reviewed by the Project Manager, Administration and the Volunteers in a monthly meeting.

Reporting and communication of outcomes / learning:

At the end of the first year of the implementation of the project. The annual meeting would be held. In this meeting a detailed discussion would be done on the reports per month. It would be a clear image of what we did the whole year; it will show us where we went wrong and what else can be done to improve the outcome.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Project Management E-course assignment: Exercise1b

Project Management E-course assignment. Exercise 1B

What would be different in my community after this project..

Through this project I would be able to educate the children involved in child labor throughout my society. This would eventually help them survive a better life in their future.

Background Summary:

Who: My aim is to educate those children who work in workshops and small scale factories. Where there is not only a hazard to their health but also wastage of their precious time when they can make up their future to become a better human being.

What: For this project I would have to go out and look for those children who are indulge in this labour work and they are not going to school. Just to earn some money, to give them to their parents. As an only source of income. This project would surly bring a good impact because it would improve the lives of many families and their children through the education provided to them. As their first right.

Why: I want to do this project to see a more educated youth ahead. Also to enhance the income status of many families, when their children would be able to work in some better places due to the education provided to them enabling them to use some technology too.

Where: This project would be carried on near the area I live so that I can fully monitor what’s going on. Where there is a need of my attention. I would look for the children in the slum area not so far from where I live. And once I would start off with this project they would all be coming to a school which is owned by my mother, in the evening to get free education. This would prove to be a best possible place to teach them.

When: Once I would start get the required funds for hiring the teachers and provide the students their uniform or some clothes. The stipend so that they can give something home to run the livelihood when they would be studying indeed. This project would start off that day. This project would have to last long for almost 3 to 4 years in order for them to be able to read and write. As our mission is not to give them an education of a very high level which could be impossible because of their ages in particular.

How: With the help of the International community and the Pakistani government I would proceed with my project. This is totally as a community service work.

My objectives to achieve the aim of the project:

My objectives are to provide quality education to at least 100 numbers of children who can not get the education they require due to lack of awareness of the parents or the lack of money for them to survive. So in order to run the livelihood the children have to go out and work in mechanic workshops or some small scale factories which include carpet weaving and stuff. This is seriously hazardous for their health.

This project would be accomplished near to the place where I live so that I can fully give my contribution and carefully examine the project for it be successful.

The time duration for this project which I have decided is 4 to 5 years.

This project would be funded and accomplished through the help of the NGO's working in the area, on the same subject.

My aims in particular are to educate some really needy children who wants to study or their parents wants them to study but they can’t due to low income. And to bring them an awareness of how important is to get education for the easy survival.

The main objectives are as follows:

a) Identification of down trodden families whose children are involved in child labour.

b) Identifying possible solutions.

c) Identifying actors already working to solve these issues.

d) A joint work plan and implementation strategy.

e) Evaluation of the intervention and measurement of impact.

My challenges and risks to the success of this project:

I have been a project manager for the small community service projects here in my community with a group of other alumni’s. There were many challanages faced by me and my group which would not be different while I do this project. The chalanges were lack of funds, people are never easily convinced to give funds for even a noble cause and for that a strong proposal is a must requirement. Lack of support of the society and the people. Once we were cleaning this public park and some people just came up to us and asked us to stop or they would report to the management for our act.

I have also been out for the search of children who works day and night for hardly any money and when I asked them, do you want to study and go to school, I would even pay you for studying and still they replied no we are not intrusted in studying we are happy here. That is the biggest challenge I am going to face because only 2% of the 10% are going to agree to study and get a quality education.

Another challenge can be the parents of the selected children. Would they agree and trust me for their children that I am going to make them study and also going to pay them for it.

For this project I am totally prepaired to face challenges but I would tackle them carefully and smartly because this cause to end child labour would bring a positive and a great change in my society. Which eventually gives me strength to do this project effectively.

How will I lead my team

The steps I would take to lead my team as a Project Manager.

What would be my role to lead the team.

For any project to be successful there has to be an effective Project Manager. That is what I am going to be like. To me, Project Manager is the one taking hold of the activities going on in and around the project and I should be the one communicating clearly all the issues belonging to the project. With not only letting them aware of the main agenda’s of the project we would be doing.

Also the Project Manager is the one to make them aware of what are our aims and objectives are. In simple words through communication I would let them know what my vision for this project is.

For me being effective also requires me to recognise the needs of all the project members, enabling them to give their fullest of efforts and hard work to this project.The project manager would determine project roles of team members based on project requirements, time frames and budget. Project Manager should also be the one taking a responsibility of monitoring the progress of the project. And explains to the project members for what there due duties are in order to see a rise in the progress. This would only be possible if the project manager keeps a regular check on the performances of the group members against the work plan.

Time line for the start of my project.

First 3 months

Identification and search of the children who work instead of going to school. To make sure not even a single student is left to select in the particular area of our research of the children.

Approximately 1 months

Would be needed to get them the admission in the particular school.

A week

For the distribution of stationary and uniform of that school.

Another week

For the teachers to be assigned and briefed about the students and to discuss their past history of education if they had a chance to go to school.

Same week mentioned above

Would also be used for the volunteers to be contacted. The group of volunteers whom I am already working with currently.

Time for the implementation of the work plan of the project.

Before the 5th month ends

My group and I would have a meeting about how to manage this group of students. How should they be separated and made in to batch of 5 to 6 students of same age and may of same grade. Like the ones who left school from grade 4 or 5. Or the ones who never went to school.

At the start of the 6th month

The school would finally be opened for the children who can’t afford to go to school. The school for them would be in the evening at a school who already works for under privilege students.

The rest of the 2 years and 4 months

Would be utilized for teaching them the required course to be able to read and write. If the funds would be coming and the project would be a complete success we would continue this project for a year more for the best outcome.

Every single month

The meeting for the whole team would be held at the school. For the project manager to fully know about the ongoing academic results of the students.

Last month of the third year

The appreciation letters would be given to all the volunteers of the group. And completion of the “Primary Academic Course” certificates would also be given away to all the students who participated and agreed to come to the evening school.

Who would be responsible for the management of finances:

My group would be of me as a Project Manager and 12 Alumni’s who would work as volunteers with me to the completion of this project and a noble cause of eliminating child labor. For the management of finances for the project, I would make one of the Volunteer to be the finance manager who would give me the written report of all our expenses and the total budget came from the funds we would receive from different donors. The other 2 volunteers chosen as Assistant Finance Officers would go to the bank per required to cash the signed checks by the Project Manager. To meet the need of the money for the project. Cash book would also be the proof of the money utilized. Also that the 3 different Volunteers would minimize any misunderstandings, misconceptions and corruption in case of misuse of the funds.

Basic Principles for managing people:

As a Project Manager, on the very first day of our meeting in regards to this project would have in details the rules to be followed. If the volunteers agree to follow the rules set would only be able to work with us. In order to face less difficulties as the project goes on. The set rules would be:


of the importance of time management for them selves and others in particular.

Importance of keeping a commitment of being on time and to be there at the venue when ever needed during the time allotted.

There would be a form of participation, which would be signed and filled by the volunteers who want to be a part of this project.

No bunking of meetings would be allowed.

None of the late comers would be entertained at all.

To keep an eye on the rules being followed or not. I (The Project Manager) and my Assistant project manager would keep a strict eye on who is obeying and following the rules. This would include even the timings when they would show up and when they would leave for a particular meeting or any activity regarding the project. Did the volunteers even showed up or not would also be a part of it. Absentees for over 3 consecutive meeting would disqualify that volunteer from a noble cause and a community service project. These measures would eventually take this project to a great success. As we the group members and volunteers would have more time concentrating on the issues of the children been chosen rather than the problems to be tackled by the group.

Key areas of my project:

• As a project manager my key tasks would be to fully explain the implications of changes to project scope and the objectives to the parents /students and to the project team.

• I would also be leading he team to prioritize signed off project work based on analysis of strategic importance, tasks outstanding, obstacles or barriers, budgets, resources and deadlines.

• Create, or participate in the creation of, project documentation.

• Manage the client stakeholders, team members, or contract personnel to design a solution and establish associated project time lines and budgets that allow for the delivery of the most strategic functionality within the project constraints.

• Establish and maintain a usable and well-communicated schedule for all phases of a project.

• Work with the Assistant Project Manager to ensure changes are understood and approved.

Project accounting and finance.

The finance manager would have to:

• Understands basic revenue models and makes decisions accordingly.
• Understands our pricing model and billing procedures.
• Accurately forecasts revenue, margins, bill rates and utilization.
• Tracks and reports team hours and expenses on a weekly basis.
• Manages project budget.
• Determines appropriate revenue recognition, ensures timely and accurate invoicing, and monitors receivables for project.
• Analyzes project revenue, margins, bill rates and utilization.

Project communication

• Work with the Assistant manager and group to ensure that the volunteers chosen for the project are achieving an understanding of expectations, dependencies, risks, progress and the bright works development process.
• Use sound judgment in all project communication.
• Volunteers, the students been chosen and their parents are apprised of project activities in a timely manner.
• Communicate progress, risks, expectations, time lines, milestones and other key project metrics with the volunteer team members to achieve a best outcome.

Problem Tree for the e-course project management.

My problem tree for the E-course Project Management.
Dear fellows,
This is my Problem Tree for this E-course project management. This tree has really showed me all the consequences and challenges I am going to face during this project. And this project truly helped me to ponder over the small issues leading to this huge problem of child labor due to uneducated society.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Shaima's Intro :)

Dear All,

My name is Shaima Kiani and I’m from Pakistan. I just completed my O-levels.I am really excited for the e-course project management as I am going to learn so much.

I always wanted to experience a new world and people of different culture and traditions. That aim got accomplished when I was 16 and given a scholarship to USA to complete one year of my high school through YES (youth exchange and study program) Scholarship program. And now as I am back I am called YES Alumni whose duty is to try and impose the good things I have learnt from my experience. So due to that I am always engaged in different kind of community services in my free time.

My utmost aim has now become to do something for my community through my learning and experiences to make my country a better place to live in.

Anxious to start working with such knowledgeable people, from whom I am surely going to learn what’s going on around the world. Through this e-course project management. Which also seems to be a platform where people can share their ideas and views.